The feminine aspect of God is treasure that has long been buried within traditional Christianity.

Here is a space to seek this Source of inspiration in community.

Some have discovered Mama God in the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, or in feminine Biblical imagery. Many are eager to dig deeper; others are a bit uncomfortable. We all have questions. Longings. Aspects of our faith that don’t quite fit anymore. Something seems to be missing.

Join us for the conversation. Each month, we gather via Zoom to connect and share stories. All spiritual paths and genders are welcome. Your hosts are women rooted in the Christian tradition who have found the freedom to ask questions that push us beyond traditionally-held precepts while remaining anchored in Christ.

Explore the resources listed here, and reach out if you have questions. We would love to journey along with you!

Next Zoom:

Sunday March 2, 2025

12 noon PST/3 EST

Meet the Hosts

  • Kim Eckhart

    A mom of teens, wife of 16 years, CQI consultant, legislative advocate, community organizer, economics professor, aspiring novelist, non-profit board member, lay church leader, coach, and friend — in all her roles, Kim sees life as a journey with the Spirit. When she began to wonder: “Does Jesus have a mother or just a father?” the answer revolutionized her life. Since then, she’s been writing and speaking to encourage others to answer this question for themselves. You can read more about her faith journey here.

  • Anni Ponder

    Writer, blogger, podcaster, and seeker of Divine Mysteries, Anni loves to dialogue about all things sacred—particularly the intersection of Divine Femininity and Christianity. A mother of three daughters, Anni delights to muse upon where the Great Mother has been all along, as God has surely been reflected in the image of women from the beginning. Anni is currently pursuing her Master’s in Theology and Culture with St. Stephen’s University. Learn more at

Helpful Resources in the search for Mama God

Note that while not all of these offerings are distinctively Christian, they have been of great help to us in our search.

Do you have some resources to add? Contact us! We love to share good stuff!

Past Zooms

We only record the featured speaker of the day, for everyone’s privacy.


These titles have been instrumental to us. Though no one resource can answer all questions, these authors have blazed the trail for those of us searching for the intersection of Christianity and the Divine Feminine. Whether you’re looking for a juicy memoir, a theological inquiry, or poignant fiction, you’re sure to find treasure here!

Finding Mother God Carol Lynn Pearson

Dance of the Dissident Daughter Sue Monk Kidd

Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven’t Yet Tried Meggan Watterson

Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West Daniel Ladinsky

The Name: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God Rabbi Mark Sameth

The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future Riane Eisler

The Heroine’s Journey Maureen Murdock

Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics Mirabai Starr

See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love Valarie Kaur

Untamed Glennon Doyle

Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

The Making of Biblical Womanhood Beth Allison Barr

Inspired Rachel Held Evans

Our Mother The Holy Spirit Marianne Widmalm

Dear Mama God Daneen Akers

God Is a Black Woman Christena Cleveland

The Shack Wm Paul Young

Is It OK to Call God “Mother”?: Considering the Feminine Face of God Paul R. Smith

The Feminine Face of God: The Unfolding of the Sacred in Women Sherry Ruth Anderson & Patricia Hopkins

A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith Brian McLaren

God Is Not a Boy’s Name: Becoming Woman, Becoming Priest Lyn Brakeman

Man and Woman, One in Christ Philip B. Payne

Fashioned to Reign: Empowering Women to Fulfill Their Divine Destiny Kris Vallotton

A Monstrous Regiment of Women Laurie R. King

Mother God Teresa Kim Pecinovsky

Heart Talks with Mother God Bridget Mary Meehan and Regina Madonna Oliver

Soul Kindling Ally Markotich

What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women Kevin Giles

Hildegard of Bingen, A Saint for Our Times: Unleashing Her Power in the 21st Century Matthew Fox

Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women’s Liberation Mary Daly

Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape Susan Brownmiller

Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother Daniel F. Stramara Jr.

Jesus Sophia: Returning to Woman Wisdom in the Bible, Practice, and Prayer Sally Douglas

Finding God’s Feminine Side: and working out how we lost it in the first place Catherine Cowell

Articles, Blogs, Substacks, & More

One thing we have all wondered on this journey is Am I the only one asking these hard questions? Rest assured, dear seeker, there are MANY of us creating and sharing content around the Divine Feminine from within the context of the Christ tradition. Visit these offerings to find your next source of inspiration—and reach out to the author(s). Folks on this path are so very friendly!

Mama Spirit Kim Eckhart’s Substack

The Matriarchal Blessing Celeste Davis’ Substack

More or Less Human Bekah Stewart’s Sermon on Substack

Courage and Candor Colette Eaton’s Substack

Above the Waves Dawn Klinge’s Substack

The Mother God Experiment Susan Harrison’s Webpage

Why Mama God? Daneen Akers’ Essay

O, Mother, Where Art Thou? Anni Ponder’s Blog Series, Part 1

Barely Christian, Fully Christian Anni Ponder’s Podcast

Breaking Down Patriarchy Amy McPhie Allebest’s YouTube Channel

Erin Duffy-Burke Erin Duffy-Burke’s Website

Brigid’s Flame Kathleen Joan’s Website

Catherine Cowell Catherine Cowell’s Blog

Loved Called Gifted Catherine Cowell’s Podcast

Interfaith Mary Ella Rozette’s Website

Music, Events, & Communities

It’s so affirming to know we are not alone in our search for God our Mother! These artists, communities, and resources offer us all so much in the way of companionship and shared wisdom. Please let us know of any we should add here—as the conversation continues to grow, we want to expand our connections.

Herchurch Lutheran Church in San Francisco

Hersay Songbook by Jann Aldredge-Clanton and Katie Ketchum

Plowshare Prayer Spencer LaJoye

Mother Playlist compiled by Lana Hamilton

God Our Mother The Liturgists featuring The Brilliance

23rd Psalm Bobby McFerrin

Mother God John Lyzenga

Mother god Circle of Hope Audio Art

O God, Our Mother Samantha McCabe

Farafina Mousso Lubiana

Waymarkers Mary DeJong’s Rewilding Experiences

Doxology John Hatfield